MUST READ: The 8 Most Common Mistakes That Push Guys Away from Girls. - The Infotainment Blog The Infotainment Blog

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Sunday, October 15, 2017

MUST READ: The 8 Most Common Mistakes That Push Guys Away from Girls.

Some ladies find it hard to keep a man because some things they do.
If you’re racking your brain trying to figure out why your guy disappeared... Ok, don’t worry. This article will going to give you the biggest mistakes that push your man away, so that you can avoid having a guy ghost you out of the blue.
 Some ladies find it hard to keep a man because some things they do.

1. Snooping in your man's phone while he is in the bathroom or toilet.

2. Dishonesty: We hate being lied to. So why do we do it? It doesn’t protect a relationship; in fact, it might destroy it. Communication is key in a relationship, so if you say things that you don’t mean, what’s the point? Try to express yourself, even if not eloquently, and have your boyfriend point out things that he doesn’t understand. Always make an attempt to talk things out. Believe me, it works wonders! Remember that time you told him you loved that shirt with the stripes, even though really, you can't stand it? Well, what are you going to do now that he wears it all the time to please you?

3. Poor Hygiene: This is one of the top that push man away, everyone suppose to have this personal hygiene.

4. Constantly asking your man for airtime, this is really bad and can make him feel bad about you. Let him do it by his wish.

5. Always hanging out with girlfriends at the expense of your man.

6. Possessiveness: Do you constantly check up on your boyfriend? If so, you might want to back off a little bit. When guys receive too many "Where are you?" texts, they tend to get annoyed. They don’t want to be in a relationship with their mom. You might think this is just you caring about him, but to him, it will feel like you don’t trust him, or worse, like you are trying to control him.

7. Making Him The Center of Your Emotional Life: Relationships are a delicate thing. It makes sense to rely on your partner for emotional support – both people are there to help each other.
But it’s not good to rely on your partner too much. When you make him the center of your emotional life and let yourself depend on him emotionally (where you’re counting on him to put you in a good mood and are in a bad mood if you don’t get what you’re looking for from him), it’s enough to push him away.

8. Expecting Him To Read Your Mind: This is one of the biggest mistakes women make (all through relationships) that causes men to shut down and not want to engage.
Expecting him to know what’s wrong, or to know why you’re upset without telling him, is a surefire way to get him to disengage emotionally and push you away.

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